At the end of their second friendly match in her new bikini Paris Saint-Germain (1-0 defeat against the New York Red Bulls at the Emirates Cup), Jérémy Menez, the new midfield Paris, gave an update on its physical condition, his joy at being at the club and the probable arrival of Javier Pastore.Jeremy, how did your game against the New York Red Bulls?It was a bit hot in mid-afternoon, at 14h. At first I had no juice. It took me a while to find my rhythm. But that's good. I am getting stronger and I began to find my feelings.
Have you not afraid of running against Lorient, the next weekend?For sure I will not be 100%. But I still have one week to prepare myself and try to give everything against Lorient. I think back to my form in two or three weeks. I begin my third week of preparation. But it should not be asking too many questions about it. One week left to properly train.
How were your first days in Paris?It's going great. I am very pleased. I feel a little like home. We can make beautiful things. It should not be too gamberger the defeat today.
How does your agreement with Jean-Christophe Bahebeck?Impeccable. With "Tof", it's easy to get along. It's a cool guy, quiet. It was the second game. I think it was not too disastrous. We will ramp up anyway.
"Pastore? A quality player"
What are the objectives of the PSG this season?I said, and I think that we should not hide it: this is the Champions League and why not earlier.
Are you excited to play at the Parc des Princes?Of course. That's why I intend to be ready as soon as possible. There will be anyone there, my family, my friends.
What do you think of Javier Pastore, potential recruit PSG against whom you played in Italy?It's a good player. He's young, he has quality. It is good technically and his passes. We are waiting to see if it's official. And if it is, it's up to us to put it in the best conditions. He still has a lot of improvement, like us, but it really is a quality player.
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