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Friday, June 10, 2011

The last of Guardiola?

While FC Barcelona will start Saturday at the conquest of its fourth Champions League, rumors of a departure from Josep Guardiola Catalan club are going well. The idea, mentioned repeatedly by the technician Blaugrana in a grueling season, is now defended by Johan Cruyff.
Being the coach of a team touted as the world standard is not easy. In addition to being high, the requirements are necessarily permanent and daily stressful, especially when the media attention does not turn away. Such is the life of Josep Guardiola since his arrival on the bench of FC Barcelona in the summer of 2008. Three years later, the 40-year-old Catalan is presented as one of the best coaches in the world who could win this Saturday's second Champions League as a technician, two years after Rome conquered the face of same opponent as one who stands on the road blaugrana at Wembley: Manchester United.
Expected that a match could well strengthen the historical dimension even legendary "Pep" in case of stuttering history and victory of Leo Messi et al. But also sign the departure of one who has won nine titles in 36 months of the year. An a priori idea as preposterous Guardiola has extended his contract until 2012 last February 23, but still defended by one of its illustrious predecessors button Blaugrana, Johan Cruyff. "It has been several years that Guardiola is working hard and it does not surprise me that he stopped, whatever the result on Saturday, said the former Dutch star Barca in an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport. If left, this is only because it is very hard to take long-term pressures. For this reason, I think it would take a year off. "
"I'm getting old, I began to lose patience"
In terms of pressure, the former resident of the Dream Team Catalan has been used in recent weeks with the sequence of four clasicos in the space of 18 days. Challenging peaks while the tension reached its climax, sometimes bellicose attitude of the enemy Madrid did not help to defuse

occasionally unhealthy. "I'm getting old, I began to lose patience
Guardiola would have said to relatives, reports El Pais, tired of these heated exchanges through the media with Jose Mourinho. "Pep is a romantic person so if you interrogate the legacies of the dispute with Real Madrid, he would tell you it feels like a worse person, "noted the newspaper in one of his Spanish employees.

Even before these events, Guardiola did not fail to open the door to a departure in an interview granted to the Italian television channel Rai Sport in early April: "When you're in a club like this it is not possible to stay very long. Next year it will be my fourth year in a big club, it takes courage. And then the players get tired of the coach and vice-versa. (...) As I understood as a player, you should know to leave at a time. "The time she has already rung?

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